My Services

Digital Marketing made ethical and sustainable

Emailing, posting and scrolling have become second nature to us. Most of the time we don’t think twice when we pick up our phones or flick on our computers. 

But every email we send, every second we spend scrolling on social media, and every post we share, has an impact on people and the planet. 

Before we dive in, if you would like to you can skip ahead to my Social Media Management and Copywriting packages!

The Impact

The internet is responsible for 3.7% of all global carbon emissions and this percentage is increasing each year as our lives become more digital.

Now, 3.7% may not sound like a lot, but globally the airline industry produces fewer carbon emissions at 2.1%.

If we don’t change how we use the internet, its contribution to global emissions will soon be more than that of the fast fashion industry, which is currently responsible for around 2-10% of global emissions. That’s a whole lot of carbon dioxide! 

Traditional forms of marketing are linked to the promotion of overconsumption and mass production, which is harmful to the environment. 

Unethical marketing tactics can also have a negative impact on people’s mental health and well-being. The wrong kind of marketing drives overconsumption, lowers people’s self-esteem, creates the need for instant gratification through spending money, damages self-image, and creates an unattainable idea of happiness that can lead to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. 

The way in which we are using social media is unsustainable for our society and has been linked to an increased risk for loneliness, self-harm, anxiety, and depression. 





Using unethical and unsustainable marketing practices isn’t just harmful to our planet and to people, it can also be really harmful to your brand.

It can cause mistrust, customer dissatisfaction, legal issues, and loss of reputation, and it can destroy your brand image. 

Alright, enough doom and gloom! 

Here’s the most important thing about marketing, you get to decide what kind of impact it has on the environment and on society. 

That means that you can change this for the better and use ethical and sustainable marketing practices that focus on reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainability over profit, and positively impacting people. 

How We Change This

The Facts

People are more aware than ever before of how their consumer habits impact the environment. More than 73% of people around the world would change the way they spend their money to help reduce the impact on our planet.

In a recent survey, 88% of people want brands to help them be more ethical and sustainable in their day-to-day life. 

As a charity organisation, credibility and integrity are essential to securing donor funding and public support. Charities that communicate transparently receive 50% more funding from public support than those that don’t.




How I can Help You

People want to make a difference in the world and you can help them do that. 

By working together we can:

  • Create ethical and sustainable marketing strategies that focus on transparency, building trust, and mission-driven messaging 

  • Reduce your digital carbon footprint and help others do the same by creating intentional content and focusing on sharing less but with more value 

  • Increase your brand awareness and build a strong community that is fostered by trust and loyalty 

  • Use your digital platforms to drive change by sharing guilt-free content that aligns with your vision and mission 

  • Take a mission-first approach to increase your funding and sales 

Let’s work together to make your digital presence sustainable for people and the planet.

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