Social Media


Social Media Management for the conscious minded

Nurture Your Digital Presence

Create ethical, intentional, and impactful content that helps make social media sustainable for people and the planet.

Build a Community

Organically build a strong community that aligns with your values and mission.

Expand Your Reach

Ethically increase your visibility and create a meaningful impact.

Ethical Social Media Strategies

Woman sitting on a rug with a MacBook on her laptop with books, her phone and snacks around her. Boho work from home set-up

The Strategy Reset

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by social media and you’re not quite sure what to do next, this is for you!

This package is all about looking at your socials through a new lens and creating a strategy that is tailored to your brand! 

  • This package is all about empowering you to elevate your social media platforms and ethically market your brand while reducing your digital carbon footprint!

    This includes:

    • 1:1 Goal Setting Session

    • Social media audit

    • Hashtag and keyword strategy

    • Tailored organic growth strategy to equip you with everything you need to reach your goals

    • 1:1 Strategy Review Session 

    • One-month support - I’ll be here every step of the way to make sure this strategy works for you. 

  • Prices start from £300

MacBook with an open screen set up on a coach with a scatter pillow and white and grey throw in the background.

The Clarity Audit

Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall with your social media and no matter what you try, you’re just not seeing the results you want?

You’re not alone and it’s exactly why I designed the Clarity Audit!

  • This package includes a deep dive into your digital presence to create a tailored roadmap to help you achieve the results you deserve.

    This includes:

    • Discovery Session

    • Full audit

    • Competitor analysis

    • Review Session

    • Structured roadmap with clear steps on how to achieve your social media goals and improve your digital presence in a sustainable and ethical way!

  • Prices start from £180

Management Packages

An open MacBook in the background, with woman's hands holding an iPhone

Monthly Management

If your business or organisation has grown and you no longer feel like you have the time to invest in your social platforms, this is the package for you! 

  • No two businesses are alike, which is why there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ package when it comes to social media. This package includes various elements that can be tailored to suit your needs, including:

    • Brand and strategy-aligned content creation

    • Custom graphics and reels

    • Community engagement

    • Monthly content calendar with all content pre-scheduled

    • Monthly audit

  • Packages start from £400.

Women with a beige sweater and wavy hair, sitting at a table with a MacBook, smiling to the camera.

Content Packages

Do you have a great strategy and exciting content ideas, but no time to design the graphics to share them in an engaging way?  Then, this is the package for you! 

  • This includes:

    • Branded editable story templates

    • Custom graphics 

    • Editable template graphics for social media

  • Pricing starts from £75

