
Ethical, transparent, and impactful copy!

Having the right copy to represent your brand is essential. Your copy is a direct link to your clients and audience. It’s about so much more than just words, it’s about allowing people to connect with your vision, mission, and the reason you do what you do! Your copy should reflect your brand, your passion, and what sets you apart.

Too often your brand voice gets lost in a sea of buzzwords and hallow sales tactics that actually say nothing about who YOU are and what YOU have to offer. It’s no secret that people don’t want to be sold to anymore. They want to support organisations and brands who they resonate with and the best way to achieve this is to share transparent, emotive, and impactful copy.

Your copy is also directly linked to your digital carbon footprint. When we work together, I’ll help you create authentic copy that ethically markets your brand and helps reduce your carbon emissions, making it kinder for people and the planet!

Copywriting Packages

Boho lounge with a woman sitting on a sofa working on her MacBook with a journal on the coffee table and baskets hanging on the wall in the background.

Email Marketing Set Up

If you’re ready to make your email marketing seamless and have valuable content in place that nurtures your community, without you needing to do a thing, this is is the package for you!

  • This package is focused on setting up and elevating your email marketing. We start with the tech bits and ensure that your email marketing is set up correctly and is effortlessly automated!

    From there, we create beautiful, brand-aligned, valuable email content.

    While this package can be customised to your needs, it generally includes:

    • Set up and integrations of platforms including Shopify, Wordpress, Squarespace, MailChimp, Klaviyo or ActiveCampaign

    • Copy and content for a welcome sequence of up to 5 emails

    • Copy and content for an abandoned cart sequence

    • Copy and content for custom brand relevant offers

  • Prices start from £650

Close up image of a woman's hands typing on a MacBook.

Seo Copy

Authentic SEO copy tailored to your brand voice for website landing pages, lead magnets and articles.

  • Engaging, creative, and compelling SEO copy for:

    • Articles

    • Websites

    • Sales Pages

    • Lead Magnets

  • Prices start from £75

Woman wearing a Free People maxi dress with long wavy hair, writing in a notebook.

The Blog Package

Connecting with your community through a blog or newsletter is one of the most effective ways to nurture your community and raise awareness about the causes you resonate with.

  • Engaging blog posts and newsletters that are tailored to your brand voice, that share your mission, inspire your audience, and help foster the connection you have built with your community.

    This package is customizable to your brand based on your needs.

  • Packages start from £150

Woman sitting at a desk, typing on a MacBook with a pile of books and 2 vases of flowers around her.

Ethical Marketing Copy

As an ethical business, you want to generate sales in a way that aligns with your core values. This package is all about ethically marketing your business using sustainable marketing techniques.

  • Transparent, authentic, and engaging sales copy that represents your brand and aligns with your vision for:

    • Email campaigns

    • Sales funnels

  • Pricing starts from £250


Social Media Management