Woman in the forest with an autumn leaf covering her face in boho style..

Hey! I’m Sav,

An Ethical Digital Marketing expert on a mission to make social media a kinder place for people and the planet!

I’m all about mission-driven messaging, transparency, building communities, and organic growth.

I work with sustainable brands and charities to reduce their digital carbon footprint, nurture their digital presence and create intentional content and strategies that inspire, inform and impact.

Woman wearing a yellow Free People dress spinning in a field at sunset in the English countryside. Boho style field aesthetic.

How We Can Work Together

  • I'm Here For:

    I work with environmentally conscious brands and charities that focus on helping people, animals, and the environment.

  • How I Serve:

    I specialise in ethical digital marketing, including social media management, strategy, content creation, and copywriting. I create content and strategies that are focused on making social media sustainable and nurturing your digital presence to help you ethically build communities, reach your goals and increase your brand awareness.

  • This is For You If You Want To:

    Communicate transparently

    Ethically market your brand

    Organically build a strong community

    Increase your brand awareness and reach

    Create mission-driven content that reflects your brand values

    Use your platform to create change and raise awareness

    Reduce your digital carbon footprint

  • My Process:

    Step 1: Review my packages and find an option that resonates (I also offer custom packages)

    Step 2: Get in touch - we’ll chat through your brand, your vision, your goals, and current challenges.

    Step 3: We’ll put together a plan of action and I’ll send over a proposal and quote. From there, we’ll finalise the admin and then the fun starts!

Making Social Media Sustainable

Woman smelling a bunch of white flowers with wavy hair and a beige sustainably sourced jumper.

In 2020, the internet had almost as big of an environmental footprint as the airline industry! Nearly 3.7% of all greenhouse gas emissions were linked to internet usage.

Isn’t it wild to think that scrolling through Instagram, flicking through TikTok, or sending an email can harm the planet?

Social media has also been linked to an increase in consumerism and mental illnesses.

But, social media isn’t all bad! It’s a tool and the way we use it matters.

That’s why my mission is to make social media a kinder place for people and the planet.

I help earth-conscious businesses and charities use social media sustainably, in an authentic and ethical way.

woman with blue eyes and long wavy hair drinking tea from an elephant mug in a livingroom.

Making Social Media a Kinder Place for People and the Planet


Making Social Media a Kinder Place for People and the Planet ~

Why We Should Work Together…

If you’re an earth-conscious brand or charity committed to fighting for change, you need your digital presence to reflect your values and have a positive impact on people and our planet.

I know better than anyone that the world of digital marketing can be tricky to navigate. Between chasing trends and trying to stay on top of algorithm changes, it can be exhausting trying to show up for your audience, authentically market your brand, and ensure your content reaches the right people.

As a small business owner myself, I know just how long those to-do lists can be, and when you add digital marketing and social media to that list, it can feel impossible!

But you don’t have to do it alone! I have a background in Environmental Science and thrive in the sustainable digital marketing space, and I am here to help you!

Picture of a woman working on a MacBook taken through an open window. Boho style work set up.

If you want to …

  • Market your brand ethically and transparently

  • Organically build a strong community

  • Increase your brand reach

  • Raise awareness about the causes that resonate with you

  • Share mission-driven content that helps people and our planet

  • Reduce your digital carbon footprint

  • Focus on the areas of your business/organisation you love while your digital marketing thrives

You're in the right place!

I offer a range of ethical digital marketing services from social media strategies and management to content writing and community management.

Vision and Values


Social media should be a place of inspiration, not comparison. Together, we’ll create content that inspires your community and drives positive change.


Helping you use your platform for good by advocating for causes you believe in, amplifying the voices of people in your community who are creating change and raising awareness, and educating your audience on how they can make a difference.


Working together to reduce your digital carbon footprint and make social media more sustainable for people and our planet to leave a lasting positive impact.


Creating strategies that enable you to be intentional about the content you share, with a focus on mission-driven messaging that transparently markets your brand.

  • I love the strategy you put together for us and have already started seeing results. It’s made me so excited about social media again!


  • I just love these posts. It gave me goosebumps. You are incredible. Thank you for capturing us so perfectly!


  • You really brought our vision to life! You’ve been such an important part of us rebuilding our online presence and getting the word out there in an ethical and sustainable way!


Are you ready to make your digital presence sustainable?

Let’s jump on a free, no-commitment discovery call and chat about how we can work together.